Workshop Three was live illustrated by Paris Selinas.
Follow along with activities from the day through the illustrations.
In the previous workshop the participants had an activity in which they prototyped their own ‘data dreams’ of data related products that they would find in a perfect future eventuality.
The participants returned to Imagination Lab to find the objects we had created from their prototyping tasks. They recorded their reactions on iPads throughout the room. They all discussed what they liked and disliked about the objects as well as what they found surprising about their objects and whether the objects facilitated insights about their ideas that wouldn’t have otherwise been unlocked.
The second task that we gave the participants was to split into two groups and to find common ground between all of their ideas and to create a shared ‘data dream’ or product that would be useful for all of them. We had priorly selected these groups for them based on common threads between their ideas and ideal objects.
Group 1 designed a set of ‘DataBlox’ that both acted as a data storage hub and was able to compare and contrast data sets to find relationships and trends.
Group 2 designed a ‘Capturator’ button that was highly customisable and able to capture whatever data the user wanted it to. It was able to detect where it was being used to see what the user wanted it to track and had an analogue input that was able to capture data in a less binary way.